get around

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

french coffee macarons with nutella filling

french coffee macarons with nutella filling -- design. bake. run. blog

french macarons in the making -- design. bake. run. blog

last night i made some cream puffs (more on that later) with pastry cream filling. with the left over egg whites, i decided that i should use up the coffee almond mixture i had made up some time ago (the last time i made french macarons, using pierre herme's recipes) and is now sitting in the freezer waiting to be used. so yes, i went ahead and made some french macarons last night.

the coffee macarons turned out pretty good. but i must say, there is a big difference in how the cookies come out between the weighted dry ingredients vs. the cup measured ones. in the past i've mostly just use david lebovitz french macaron recipe and adapt accordingly to my liking. sometimes they come out okay, sometimes the cookie shells are hollow. these ones from last night was nothing like that. they're a tad more chewy in a good way and there are no hollow shells! plus, for some odd reason the batter was a little more forgiving. it felt like i had folded the batter a million times, but nope, that wasn't reflected in the outcome of the cookies. only one tiny thing i really didn't care about in these ones was how the feet look. i felt like david lebovitz recipe gave me better feet. these ones didn't look as pretty and the cookies came out flatter. they do look and taste the part so i guess it's okay. it's just a matter of my personal preferences.

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