that's my adorable hubby & me in maui -- may 2012
hi there! my name is mai and this is my baking (mostly sweet goodies, occasionally savory), design and running blog. these things are what i absolutely enjoy doing most. by day i am a web/ux designer. come evening/night time (and on some weekends), you can find me in the kitchen concocting some yummy goodies. sometimes these goodies come out fantastic, others, it's a disaster (could be because i don't always user proper measuring utensils). i like to think that i'd chronicle all my kitchen happenings here, as well as any design and running (losing weight and getting toned in the process hopefully!) episodes i have. i'm still very new to food photography, food styling (or any kind of photography/styling in that matter) so this blog will be a great way to experiment with all of that.
so, if i design during the day, bake at night, when do i run? ummm… how about early in the morning before the sun rises and the world (okay, half of them maybe) wakes up? i love early morning runs and try to run at least 4 times a week. my mileage isn't that crazy, usually just a simple 2-5 mile run depending on how much time i have in the morning. occasionally i'll throw in some longer distance runs ranging anywhere from 7-10 miles, but those don't happen very often and only on weekends. there's nothing more refreshing than getting oneself out of bed early in the morning and getting that first hit of instant cold ugly miserable dewy foggy weather. yup! that's your typical san francisco early morning weather for you, but i love it! it makes for the perfect running weather.
alright, that's all i have for now. enjoy the photos below!
i had such a fun time in naples/ischia this past spring 2012. i don't think i can eat another pizza here in the states. my pizzas must come from naples or italy! these were sooooo good!
laduree in paris has the best classic macarons. nothing fancy like pierre herme, but that's okay.
this is my cutie pie, c, outside musee d'orsay (march 2012). at this point, he was so tired after we walked him all over paris, all he wanted to do was sit! we call this pose, "kiddie-style planking"
i've never tasted a better kouignettes (top right corner in the above pic) than these here at maison georges larnicol, paris – the best there is!
four years after i picked up running again, i ran my first marathon, the SF marathon in july 2012
we ♥ san francisco. the weather's not always this gorgeous, but it's good enough. ;)
if you'd like to browse at a few more photos, you can always check out my first blog entry. :)
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