french macarons hit the spot every time. i made these chocolate coffee macarons the other night after reading one of the comments from a guest who commented on my coffee nutella post.

i felt a little homesick for my mother's cooking last weekend so i made the best version i know of, of her curry noodle soup; with some minor touches of my own. i love my curry thick and creamy and achieved it by adding lots of shredded chicken and coconut milk.

pho is probably one of my favorite all-time dishes or meal. it's seriously the best thing ever. i could have it for breakfast, lunch, and dinner and will not be sick of it one bit. it contains quite a lot of sodium and i retain water like crazy when i eat it because i get so thirsty afterwards that i try not to eat it so much. and you know how people treat themselves to chocolate or shopping or whatever as a treat? i treat myself to a nice giant bowl of pho noodle soup. seriously, the best thing ever.

i had a starbucks reward expiring soon a week or so ago so i decided to try out their caramel ribbon crunch. bad of me, i asked for the grande. but good for me, i didn't finish it and only ordered the grande instead of the venti. all in all, i only took in half the calories, and not the whole 580! :)

tilapia is one of my favorite fish. it's probably because i grew up eating so much of it and i love how versatile it is. you can cook it in any way and it'll still turn out delicious. my mom is an excellent cook and makes the best boiled fish soup. this here was my take on hers, but much simpler (because i am lacking many of the fresh herbs she puts in hers).

two weeks ago c and i baked these chocolate chip cookies and mini cupcakes for his end of summer camp's potluck. they were a hit and as always, the cupcakes are egg-free. one of the mini campers has an egg allergy.

earlier in the month i bought a big basket of blueberries. to use some of them up, i baked this blueberry crumb coffee cake. it was perfect, with my morning coffee.
alright, that's all i have for now. thanks for browsing. :)
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